The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142445   Message #3283176
Posted By: Ebbie
01-Jan-12 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
Subject: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
This has been a slow, relaxed day, time for a lot of ruminating...

The dog I have had for the last year or so is a now-four-year-old Chinese Crested Hairless. He is a rescued dog- no way would I bring a hairless dog to the north but someone did, and since he is here I find that I enjoy him a lot.

No one will ever call Ellery pretty but people often call him handsome, probably because of his jaunty stride and stance. His head and tail are white-haired but his body is the color - and texture- of an uncooked link sausage.

There are a number of differences in this breed as compared with other breeds. For instance, they have no molars- all their teeth are pointed. And instead of dissipating sweat from the tongue they have sweat glands. No doubt there are other differences.

One difference that I've been enjoying is his habit of watching TV, especially when there are animals on. He watches horses, cats, rabbits- but he gets intimately involved when there are dogs.

A dog or puppy needn't make a sound but when the camera picks them up, Ellery takes note. If they speak or whine or even pant he growls or barks back.

I should probably get him a dog video to watch when I am gone- the only flaw he has is severe separation anxiety. He has to be taken to a sitter or he loses all sense; he doesn't bark or howl- he screeches.

Anyone else have an unusual dog? Or a dog with unusual habits?