The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142445   Message #3283286
Posted By: Arthur_itus
02-Jan-12 - 05:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
Subject: RE: BS: Does Your Dog Watch Television?
We dpnt know yet Ebbie, as our puppy who is now almost 8 weeks old, is still with the breeder. We are due to get her in the next couple of weeks.
Guess what, she is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff, which is the hairy version of what you have. Oned thing you didn't mention is that they are Hypo Allegenic and therefore are better suited to people who have Asthma.
Also the teeth are different in a Powder Puff.
What I find amazing is that from one litter, you can get a Hairless and Hairy mix of puppies.
Here are some pictures of her

Happy New Year
Les Worrall