The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3284298
Posted By: Bill D
03-Jan-12 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
"...,no proven change of one animal to another and the complexity of the once thought simple cell."

That is simply incorrect, pete... although the way you phrase it..."one animal to another" is awkward. We don't directly observe a reptile-like animal changing into a bird, but we DO have many carefully documented examples of changes in characteristics, which can make such a changes over hundreds of millions of years.

There are finches in the Hawaiian islands which adapt/evolve in a short period of years to cope with climate changes and El Nino/La Nina.
And any decent text can show you about experiments with fruit flies.

There is a building at the Univ. Of Kansas which houses cabinets with thousands of generations of mouse skins, in order to observe various changes and do DNA research on them. In 40 years, 'mice' don't change to rats or other rodents, but they DO exhibit changes which can only be accounted for by random mutations....billions of generation, under various conditions COULD generate something which was no longer a 'mouse'.

You cannot say simply "no proven change" just because you *suspect* it would violate some religious belief you already hold.