The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142319   Message #3284749
Posted By: Mrrzy
04-Jan-12 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Humor in grand children
Subject: RE: BS: Humor in grand children
One of my twins, very young but old enough to know better than to try to wake me up early on a weekend, toddled into my Mom's room where we were visiting and asked if she was awake because he wanted some breakfast. She said not yet, so he sat down on the floor and said...

OK, then, I'll just sit here and starve quietly.

Needless to say she got right up!

The other twin, also very young, was helping her into her PJs one evening and pointed to her boobs and asked why her elbows looked like that. We are still laughing about that one.

There was also a comment about how one has wrinkles instead of skin when one is old, but I don't recall how that one went...