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Thread #142452   Message #3284786
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Jan-12 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Bill - "they didn't even know the earth was round in about 5000 BC"

That is the common assumption that's in vogue in our present culture, Bill. Our present culture imagines that man came from relatively primitive beginnings a little over 5,000 years ago, and that we now know more than people ever knew before and are now at the apex of man's development on this planet.

I think our culture is utterly mistaken in its view of the remote past, and that there were plenty of people on this Earth a very long time prior to 5000 BC who knew perfectly well that the Earth is round, who understood the yearly path of the Earth around the Sun, who understood the Earth's rotation and inclination on its axis, and the cyclical wobble in the Earth's rotation and how that changed the Earth's position in regards to the various constellations, and who had mapped the entire globe as it existed at that time...and it has changed significantly since that time. There has been movement. There were planetary disasters that virtually wiped out those past civilizations and left some fertile, temperate areas frozen under polar icecaps...and they are probably disasters of a cyclical nature. They can...and may...happen again.

I could point you to some interesting reading on the subject, reading which presents much geological and archeological evidence, but I know I might be wasting my time even trying that, because it's not the mainstream conventional view of the past. I will not talk about it in any further detail on the open forum, because I'd definitely be wasting my time doing that, and it wouldn't make any difference anyway. What could it possible matter whether I got anyone here on this forum to listen to something they're pretty much determined not to listen to in the first place? And if I did convince one or two people what? (grin) What difference would that make either? None, as far as I can see. It might be some salve to my ego...if I chose to bother seeing it that way...but it would make NO difference whatever to anything that actually matters. And I know it.

It would be like talking to people in Europe in the year 1,000 about electricity and the internal combustin engine. They thought they had it all figured out in the year 1,000 too! They figured THEY were the ultimate development of man on this planet! Just ask them...they'd tell you the whole story of their cultural grandeur over all that preceded them. ;-D And you couldn't tell them differently without arousing their scorn, anger, ridicule, all the usual predictable defensive reactions of the conventional mind when it's trapped in its little familiar and very temporary cultural bubble.