The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3284859
Posted By: Bill D
04-Jan-12 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
pete... you say "...i dont think that there is any proven path through life forms from what i call micro to macro change..."

You'll have to define what you admit as "proven". When evaluating scientific theories, one can always say "it is only a theory", but some theories explain what we observe a lot better than others. You wouldn't 'doubt' that you inherit the color of your eyes from your parent thru a complex system of biological reactions. Eye color is not usually a theological dispute.

Then, if you DO doubt some theory, it is up to you to either explain a better one or to show *exactly* why we need a better one. Scientific theories must be countered with other scientific theories, not simply ignored because one worries they conflict with some 'belief' or opinion. For the last 150 years or so, paleontology and anthropology has been amassing more & more hard evidence that says that what you call "micro to macro change" IS operating... time is the key, and it is hard to comprehend just how much change can happen in many millions of years.