The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142485 Message #3284927
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
04-Jan-12 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Paul is dead...sort of
Subject: RE: BS: Paul is dead...sort of
As a songwriter, I have nothing to show for it. Paul has slightly more to show for his efforts than I. Therefore I wouldn't presume to mock the man for his songwriting abilities because I would be taking up residence in a very delicate glass house.
One of the bits of "evidence" they present is the Sgt Pepper's has left-handed guitar made of yellow flowers at the bottom of the picture spelling out "PAUL" so I dug out my old vinyl. Don't see it. I can't even tell that it's a guitar much less that it spells "PAUL."
And they never really say Paul is dead but strongly imply it. What they are really saying is that Paul was replaced with a lookalike and Apple Records has hidden the truth. It was done though in such a way that if you're a kid in junior high, you might just believe it. But that's really beside the point. I'm far more intrigued by how this little local broadcast was like a shot heard round the world. It went viral long before there was any such thing as going viral.