The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3285254
Posted By: GUEST,999
05-Jan-12 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
'Remember the Jesuit motto "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man".'

I agree. Try also Proverbs 22: 6. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Public education has never been about teaching critical thinking skills. It has been and continues to be about keeping the masses (lotsa people, not church services) in line. Why would any government be so stupid as to have its populace learn critical thinking as a life skill? Where would it find people willing to die for rich folks' investments? It might have people wondering why university educations as so damned expensive, so expensive in fact that for most poorer people they are unattainable. Wouldn't want the children of poor people asking uncomfortable questions like "Why are there so many poor people?"

The line quoted by Richard Bridge is often attributed to Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. However, the sentiment existed long before him. Today, it is part of the fabric of early schooling. School teaches us to be on time, do as we're told, follow rules, vote for political parties that are cosmetically different but substantially similar, obey laws mostly made by rich people and give our money to them at income tax time.

We have grown little intellectually since witch doctor days. We have organizations like the [insert name of country] Medical Association which protects doctors, not patients, and now doctors have become the new shamans--those who hold the keys to life and death.

"The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians and other healthcare professionals swearing to practice medicine ethically." Yeah, right. From what I've seen over sixty years their first allegiances are to their insurance companies and their investment portfolios. However, schools glorify them and we follow suit. (Before the usuals go all nutso because they personally know a doctor who IS ethical, I've met three or four in my life, too. No doubt someone will mention Albert Schweitzer. Yes, he was a great man. And someone else will talk about Doctors Without Borders, and they are right to do so. But show me those doctors where YOU live. And where have they been since YOU were a kid?)

The legal profession: Well, at risk of being sued or threatened with a suit, I agree with Shakespeare. The exception is my friend Richard Bridge, although after his remarks about singer-songwriters I ain't so sure about that.   

Creationism: I'll bite. Tell me about it. It seems to be an all or nothing thing with some folks. So, let's make it all. If God created everything, then why did he stop creating? The whole world could be put right in the blink of an eye. No more famine, no more war, no more evil, etc. What's God waiting for? Blink already!

Science: It has given us much of which to be proud. And much of which to be ashamed. The science advisers to the American president have always belonged to one of the two main political parties. (I don't know that for fact, but I got ten bucks says it's so.) Why is that? Pray tell, where is the openness and transparency, the science for the sake of science that was so loved of this objective community? Hell, if a scientist did find a cure for one of the major diseases, he'd be shut up real fast--or at least until the pharmaceutical industry was able to get a patent on the drug and charge people a hundred times what it cost to keep some fu#king stock holders happy.

Religionists: y'either walk the walk (I'm thinking of the Joe Offers of the world, a man who gives of his time to a women's shelter, and with no offense meant, at his age time is precious) or ya talk the talk, which is substantially less meaningful.

Anyway, I suppose I've pissed off everyone, so with that, have a good day and lang may yer lum reek. If it smokes too much, call the fire department. They won't care about any of the above or how you (or they) feel about it. Best wishes to all of you.