The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137953   Message #3285915
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Jan-12 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stephen Lawrence Murder (1993)
Subject: RE: BS: Stephen Lawrence Murder (1993)
Any nation that has colonized as much of the world as the UK is in no position to now decide to discard citizens who don't line up with an ethnic purity standard some aspire to. I applaud them for making progress in finding justice for minority citizens.

I predict that the current generation of young people in developed nations are growing up with such a commingling of cultures in their public schools today that there will be much less racism and homophobia (to name a few of their parents' generation struggles) than any other generation previously. If you learn to love people when you're children you're much less likely to hate them later as an adult. I see it in my own childrens' schools - they are shaping the face of the future as envisioned in Time magazine back in 1993. That was a year after my second mixed-race child was born.

The world may have to wait for a lot of the old bigots to die off, but in a few decades, after power has shifted to today's crop of young people, it will be a better place, and they'll still appreciate the distinct cultural contributions of their various family members and mixed cultures.