The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142485   Message #3286295
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
06-Jan-12 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Paul is dead...sort of
Subject: RE: BS: Paul is dead...sort of
It was "Swingin' Time" on Channel 9 CBC. I can't tell you how many times I must have watched that. I remember seeing Funkadelic on there and the Rationals and Chairmen of the Board--boy, did Detroit have a kickin' music scene then. It was hosted by Robin Seymour who is still a close friend of Russ Gibb even though Seymour lives in California now. Seymour started off as a DJ on WKMH in Detroit in the mid-50s. I know he was there by 1956 because I have a broadcast of him from that year on CD that I bought a few years back. WKMH became WKNR a.k.a. Keener 13 which Russ Gibb owned. Another guy would host "Swingin' Time" once in a while and I think it was Joel Sebastian--another Keener DJ. Seymour and Sebastian used to host shows at the Motor City Roller Rink which is literally down the block from me. Well, it used to be--they tore it down and put up a Burger King and an H&R Block--big improvement.

Everybody played at the Motor City Roller Rink. I saw a bunch of people there. A lady I work with saw Stevie Wonder there when he was just a boy and he was so unknown that she didn't realize he was blind! She thought he wore shades trying to look cool! She actually caught Nolan Strong & the Diablos there. Those guys are the greatest doo-wop legend of all time! Sometimes I even skated there.

God, how everything has turned to shit.