The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137953   Message #3286383
Posted By: MGM·Lion
07-Jan-12 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stephen Lawrence Murder (1993)
Subject: RE: BS: Stephen Lawrence Murder (1993)
Our 'state schools' are also sometimes known as 'maintained schools' ~~ i.e. maintained by a local authority or authorised academy-foundation.

The judge pointed out that he was limited in the length of the 'life' sentence he could pass [in case that sounds a contradictory concept, it means the time that must be served before parole can even be considered] by the age of the offenders at the time of the offence; but it is open to a higher court, or, I believe, the Home Secretary, to increase this tariff, which is what many here hope will happen.
