The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140796   Message #3286541
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Jan-12 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Art Thieme-UPDATE - 20 March 2012
Subject: RE: Art Thieme-UPDATE - He's BACK!!!
I just spoke to Carol. Art is going to therapy three times per day and is doing better, though he gets tired out because of the MS. He was out when I called, at therapy. Carol sounded really good and positive about her knee and their new digs. They get to see a LOT more of their son and his family which will be increased by one sometime in July! Carol says their grandchildren are very loving, being read Shakespeare and the seven year old is even quoting from memory. Wonder where she gets that from?**BG**

They did indeed just have their 45th. It was on the 3rd. I only missed the date by a few days. More later after Art calls back.
