The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140796   Message #3286711
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Jan-12 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme-UPDATE - 20 March 2012
Subject: RE: Art Thieme-UPDATE - He's BACK!!!
Well, Art called me back. He was a little dismayed because he didn't have very strong of a voice, but still sounded like the Art we all know and love. It seems there's been a bad cold running through the place catching up with folks. About two weeks ago all he could do was whisper. They now have him on antibiotics and it seems to be getting better.

He said he heard on the news that they announced a cure for MS. He's going to be following that closely. I told him we keep up our Mudcat mojo and see it happening.

They have him walking every day down the hallway with a walker which is good. With his indomitable way of looking at the bright side of life, he joked about having a 20-year-old girl give him his shower this morning. LOL

With the constant therapy and complications/aggravations of MS, his energy is pretty well spent by the end of the day, or even earlier. So, not much time is spent on the computer. We talked about how it is when our bodies are recovering and trying to mend...the energy just isn't there to interact much. I am sure cards, letters, etc. are welcome and go a long way in helping. Grandkids do even more...he's really proud of them and his son and daughter-in-law.

Holding Art and Carol in the light and in our hearts,

kat & Rog