The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142561   Message #3287324
Posted By: Ebbie
08-Jan-12 - 10:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: corpse found on the queen's estate
Subject: RE: BS: corpse found on the queen's estate
In the US when someone is found dead - through unknown means and at unknown hands - we tend to call it a 'body' rather than a 'corpse.' Eb

Is this sentence what you are interpreting as "indicating wrongdoing", Joe? I guess it isn't clear that I was not speaking of wrongdoing, only that corpse, to me, is a much more disconnected, objective reactive word than is body.

"I lurched blindly through the black, moonless night, the heavy snow obscuring every landmark, every street sign, every curbside rise. The fresh snow piled steadily, silently, inexorably onto the usual wintertime accumulations so common in Alaska. I wasn't thinking. I was not capable of thinking. Somewhere the phrase repeated: he is gone. he is gone. he is gone...

And then I stumbled and nearly fell. For a moment the thought flashed through my mind that I had tripped over a log. It was not a log. It was his corpse."

And then I stumbled and nearly fell. For a moment the thought flashed through my mind that I had tripped over a log. It was not a log. It was his body."
