The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142561   Message #3288426
Posted By: gnu
10-Jan-12 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: corpse found on the queen's estate
Subject: RE: BS: corpse found on the queen's estate
Go away? Nitpicking? ME????

Youse still have not addressed my simple question. It's not rocket science. It's simply logic. I asked... youse cannot answer. Just saying I am "wrong" and stunned and "should go away" and that I do not understand is illogical. You have no arguement. I NEVER and NObody ever, on this thread, made any jokes that any of youse accuse of having been made re the deceased.

IF you can prove me wrong, do it. (Yes, I repeat myself... dunno why I have to do so????)

If you can't, as you have not be able to since I asked you to do same, I believe an apology to myself and others is in order.

Seriously, think of what your posts are saying to the world who can read them. Mine was a joke about the Royals. Yours are personal attacks against me and others which are unfounded and unwarrented.

BTW... WTF is a "McGuffin"?