The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142561   Message #3289058
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
11-Jan-12 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: corpse found on the queen's estate
Subject: RE: BS: corpse found on the queen's estate
Gnu may I refer you to my explanation from the first few messages.

"The English folk people have got being po-faced and exhibiting no sense of humour down to a fine art."

You're a good guy Gnu, don't let this nonsense perturb you. anyone who looks at the thread about Severn's recent illness can see that you're one of the good guys - full of humanity, decency, etc.

If some member of folk royalty writes a murder ballad about this incident next week - they'll all be brown-nosing like the world supply of crap is on the edge of extinction.

Of course you and me won't be hailed as visionaries. Its called a class system - we aren't of sufficiently high status to be accorded the right to think original thoughts. you have to think the same way as everyone else (in the tradtion) express yourself the same way everyone else does (the tradition strikes again) and most of all - know your place!