The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142582   Message #3289519
Posted By: Mo the caller
12-Jan-12 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: Ceilidh Question UK
Subject: RE: Ceilidh Question UK
Americans might say that Back-to-back is English, but they use 'English' to mean Playford dances. Could always use both terms then people might recognise one or the other.
People will always find ways to misunderstand you (some you could never have imagined).

Ringer, I think a lot of complications have been added to dances as enthusiasts take over the clubs that could never have been danced by people who danced a Harvest, Christmas and Weddings. Moves get imported from other traditions, e.g. from Playford to Contra, Scottish to English. I'm fairly sure Dolpin Hey is new. But If you want an expert answer this list will have someone who knows. They've discussed the question about arm folding too.