The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142567   Message #3289866
Posted By: Mo the caller
13-Jan-12 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: core dances
Subject: RE: core dances
If you log in you'll find a pm with instructions for Jamaica. A nice not-too-hard Playford dance (modern interpretation of).

The easiest singing squares are I Want to be Near You, Buffalo Girls and Coming Round the Mountain - I'd sing something like this:

"First Couple promenade the ring
All the way till you get back home again
then star across the mountain*, back around the mountain
Everybody home and face your own

You do-si-do your partner one and all
Swing that girl around don't let her fall
Promenade the mountain,Coming round the mountain
Coming round the mountain when she comes"

You'd need a quick walk through the first time you taught it.Singing calls don't always phrase exactly as you dance it, and the calls can be cryptic.   
Line 1,2 1s promenade round the outside
*Line 3 1s &3s right hand star
Line 4 they left hand star

Line 5 all do-si-do
Line 6 all swing
Line 7,8 all promenade and sing.

Next time 2s carry on promenading, then star with 4s. You may or may not need a second walk through, an explanation might do.
Tell them that after each couple has had a turn they need to keep listening, then surprise them with....
5th time
head couples promenade the ring (or you could sing One and threes promenade ...)
6th side couples...
7th everybody.... ALL star round the mountain...(i.e. make 8 hand stars)