The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142334   Message #3290177
Posted By: gnu
13-Jan-12 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Severn in hospital 26 Dec 2011
Subject: RE: Severn in hospital 26 Dec 2011
Hey... I just copied and pasted so's I could freeresh the thread. And, that's because I think as much of Sev as the rest a youse do. Maybe more than some but I can't see how that is possible. A true gentleman and generous to a fault. One more Sev would make this (my) world a better place. Alas, there is only ONE Sev and he had damn well get well sonner than later. No pressure mind you, Sev. Take it one step at a time... I would prefer BIG steps, of course.