The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142516   Message #3290562
Posted By: Bill D
14-Jan-12 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Groan...another US Presidential election
Subject: RE: BS: Groan...another US Presidential election
"..obama would change only what he was allowed to change "

Allowed by WHOM? Ask the Republican senate why they refuse to pass anything of significance! The whole point is to be able to say "he failed to pass anything" are inserting your opinions as if they are what the world in general thinks.

You toss out lines like "Failure to stand against Israeli expansion and murdering of civilians in Iran?" as if it was obvious that he both could and should do such.

"Drone warfare" ... as opposed to the old-fashioned way of dealing with enemies that Bush & company employed? Like inventing an excuse to send 200,000 soldiers to run in circles and get themselves killed? Much of the drone warfare was needed because of the surge in terrorist activity caused BY Bush policies. NOTHING about warfare...on ANY level... is happy or easy to make palatable, but if we must cope with terror groups, drones are both cheaper & safer than about any other means.

Ake... one could take most of your complaints and opinions and cut & paste them into Republican political speeches and no one would notice.

(Jack & Ebbie said it more succinctly than I did, but you get the idea)