The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142671   Message #3290698
Posted By: ranger1
14-Jan-12 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: My dog is unwell
Subject: RE: BS: My dog is unwell
Thanks, everyone.
- Maggie, I don't think it's a plastic food dish issue - one of the park cats has that and this is very different looking and feeling. Plus, we use ceramic bowls.
-Neil, I had thought of the food allergy angle, waiting to talk to the vet on Monday when the results of the blood work comes back and will discuss that with her then.
- Ebbie, we have some salve from the vet that we're supposed to put on a couple of times a day. My guess is that it's some sort of vet-grade neosporin.
- Maeve, nope, no porcupine contact. With Bandit, there would have been noise involved, lots of noise.
- Bruce, he's a mutt. Our best guess is chow, beagle and god knows what else.
-Bonzo, the only after hours vets around here are at the emergency clinic, which costs $200 just to walk through the door. Worth it in case of life-threatening emergency, not in the budget otherwise.