The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142727   Message #3292785
Posted By: Donuel
19-Jan-12 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is BS Doomed???
Subject: BS Section REFORMS
Reforms for BS section. (proposed by HLS)

One could easily enhance the BS section to further reflect society as a wholw, media and the socio economics of the world by creating a   TWO TIERED   system whereby 1% of the BS section will be exclusively posts by Amos, Rap, Little Hawk, catspaw, Bobert, gnu, Sandra, kat, Tam, Ebbie and the three Johns. Probationary members of the 1% will be named in the fullness of time.

The 99% of all other; infrequent posters, toadies, disbelieved, hangers on, neer do wells and the downright peculiar
will be allowed to post in their own BS2 section exckusively where they may praise the 1% AND/OR create pro ethnic and pro sectarian subdivisions within the BS2 section.

The pro ethnic and pro sectarian sections will actually serve Anti sect and anti ethnic groups such as the BS mudcat Bund, Mother of everything anti American, anti Irish threads and further subdivisions right down the line until each individual has their very own BS section in which they are in total agreement, except when a person wishes to disagree with themselves.

The upper 1% of the privileged BS section will resemble broadcast news in which polls may be cited about the 99% but decisions based upon verified rumor will be done via Private Messages. The ability to edit, expand or delete BS1 posts will remain sacrosanct.

Grounds for reprimanding contributors of the BS1 section will include;
Not taking the loyalty oath.
Refusal to site one's source.
Not attending at least one getaway every 4 years.

NO removal or banning of members of the BS2 is needed since the sensibilities of the 1% are protected by permanently filtering out any poster in the BS2 section with one click. In two cases BS2 members continued to post for over 7 years, despite the fact of being completely and uniformly filtered. These 2 individuals only saw a cached version which seemed to include their own posts but was actually unseen by loyal members. The 1% compassionately reserves the right to use such methods for specific posters or even the entire BS2 section. (restrictions may be suspended for secret santa threads or fund drives for the 1%)