The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3667 Message #3294591
Posted By: GUEST,kenny
22-Jan-12 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sae Will We Yet / So Will We Yet
Subject: RE: Origins: Sae Will We Yet / So Will We Yet
I'm surprised that the name of Tony Cuffe [ RIP ] hasn't surfaced yet in this discussion. I have a recording of Tony singing this - the first time I ever heard the song - at Aberdeen Folk Club I think in 1972/73, when he dropped in past and did a "floor-spot" [ and was immediately booked as a future guest ]. The tune Tony used was his own, and is the only tune I've ever heard it sung to, although I had heard that the "Corries" recorded it to the tune of "The Wearing Of The Green". Tony sang it on the very first "Jock Tamson's Bairn's" LP, released in 1980, and also on "Sae Will We Yet", the "memorial" album to Tony, released in 2003.