The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27046   Message #329508
Posted By: raredance
28-Oct-00 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: On Board of a Man-of-War
Subject: Lyr Add: NELSON'S DEATH AND VICTORY (from R Palmer
Good one, Malcolm. I'll see your one "Death of Nelson" and raise you one "Death of Nelson"


Ye sons of Britain in chorus join and sing;
Great and joyful news is come to our royal king.
An engagement we have had by sea
With France and Spain our enemy,
And we've gained the glorious victory
b Again, my brave boys.

On the twenty-first of October at the rising of the sun
We formed the line for action, at twelve o'clock begun.
Brave Nelson to his men did say:
"The Lord will posper us this day.
Give them a broadside, fire away,
My true British boys."

Broadside and broadside our cannon balls did fly,
And small shot like hailstones on the deck did lie.
Their masts and rigging were shot away;
Besides, some thousand on that day
Were killed and wounded in the fray
On both sides, brave boys.

Heaven reward Lord Nelson and protect his men.
Ninteen sail of the combined fleet was sunk and taken in.
The Achille blew up amongst them all,
Which made the French for mercy call.
Nelson was slain by a cannon ball;
Mourn, England, mourn.

Many a brave commander in tears he shook his head,
But yet their grief was no relief for Nelson he lay dead.
It was a fatal musket ball
Which caused our hero for to fall.
He cried: "Fight on. God bless you all,
My brave British tars."

Huzza, valiant seamen, huzza, we've gained the day,
Though lost a bold commander who on the deck did lay;
With joy we've gained the victory,
Before me dead I now do see.
"I die in peace, bless God," said he,
"the victory is won."

Let's hope this glorious battle will bring a peace,
That our trade in England may prosper and increase;
And our ships from port to port go free.
As before let us with them agree,
May this turn the heart of our enemy.
Huzza, my brave boys.

from "Oxford Book of Sea Songs" by Roy Palmer. Note the size of the lethal projectile varies from a cannonball in one verse to a musket ball in the next.

rich r