The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142830   Message #3295231
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Jan-12 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who the hell is Chongo?
Subject: RE: BS: Who the hell is Chongo?
I think you are quite right about that, gnu. The real centre of control is London, the corporations, the biggest banks, and the Crown. Americans mostly cannot even imagine that that could be true, so they won't countenance the notion. That doesn't change anything. Obama's a puppet as far as I'm concerned. He was marketed brilliantly in 2008 to satisfy the emotional needs of millions of frustrated Americans who were desperate for a change after 8 dreadful years of the previous puppet...George Bush. They got a new puppet. They did not get the change they were voting for. I predict they will not get it next time either. I feel like I'm living in the declining years of the Roman Empire, watching the madness and corruption all around me, knowing I can do nothing about it...except do the best with my own personal life that I can while I am still here, and that's mostly just learning to love.