The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65582   Message #3295444
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jan-12 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: wahts your favourite KAte rusby song9
Subject: RE: wahts your favourite KAte rusby song9
To those that dislike her: If any of the X Factor/Kareoke TV wannabe "acts" had an ounce of Kate's talent, then they would deserve some their unfounded attention. What's wrong with liking someone who's truly talented, has their own family based record label, and appears to be a nice person? So what if some songs are similar? It's called having a style! But it's your choice as to what you like.

Last year, the wife and I travelled from Nova Scotia to Montreal to see her show (rare Canadian appearance). Only a slight disappointment that she didn't have the full band. If we could see her more often I definately would.

By the way, "Drowned Lovers" (live version) is great. And "Who Will Sing me Lullabies" and "Falling" are top notch as well.