The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142933   Message #3296980
Posted By: GUEST,mg
26-Jan-12 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Rainycamp 2012 this weekend Jan 27
Subject: RE: Rainycamp 2012 this weekend Jan 27
It is so frustrating when you look around the room and see this core of people who you know could create incredible music, with the enjoyment and participation of other just ordinhary one has ever said shut up and let us sing all of the songs...(I don't include myself in the us as I sing mostly on choruses). It is expected that everyone will participate. LThe problem is do you go around in these endless circles..late at night...or do you defer to the people who are the best leaders. I defer. I want to hear the most and the best music that can be produced. I hate taking turns but they are fine for people who like them. There is always a risk that the same 3 people will sing 90% of the songs and there is usually a counterpressure to that so it usually works out. There are plenty of opportunities during the day for poeople to get their turns. Night for me is for not taking turns, not talking much, just producing great music.

And what is worse than looking and seeing the core of people who could produce great music is looking around and seeing they are all gone. Now I have to go and search the woods and outhouses and hollowed out stumps of trees to see where they went to. mg