The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3297755
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
28-Jan-12 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

This discussion shows more undeserved praise for the MU and much confusion on the subject.

"I thought there was already seperate legislation to deal with noise nuisance".<

Of course there is and it is this raft of existing anti-noise legislation that LAs should be using to deal with any form of noise pollution and which makes possible, this small but welcome relaxation in ADDITIONAL Entertainment Licensing permission. This is only a start...........

There is for example special noise legislation measures which automatically kick-in at 11pm.

HOWEVER, even after the Live Music Bill and on the grounds of (only potential noise) - non-amplified sessions will still be subject to the full requirement for ADDITIONAL Entertainment permission, automatically on the stroke of 11pm!!!

Without obtaining this permission, any session which extends after 11pm (even in pubs which remain open to serve alcohol to much later) will be illegal and will render the licensee (and possibly the session organiser/leader) liable to a max of 6 months in prison or a £20,000 fine.

There is still a long way to go.......but please do not perpetuate the myth that ADDITIONAL Entertainment Licensing - often required in advance of a note of music being sounded - can be any use in dealing with noise pollution.

The use of thismeasure can only continue to needlessly prevent and limit live music, and especially non-amplified sessions, when these activities in practice present no measureable noise pollution.