The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5757   Message #32989
Posted By:
20-Jul-98 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Composer: Kumb Bah Yah
Subject: Composer: Kumb Bah Yah
I am trying to find the history of the song that was so popular in the 60's called "Kum Bah Yah". I am not sure of the spelling of the title, but the lyrics go something like this: "Someone's crying Lord, Kum Bah Yah Someone's crying Lord, Kum Bah Yah Someone's crying Lord, Kum Bah Yah Oh Lord, Kum Bah Yah." I haven't had any luck searching the databases, possibly because I have it spelled wrong.

Thank you for your help. janet