The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3299045
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
30-Jan-12 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

It is clear from the above, that the LGA Group lobby do not intend to support any further deregulation for live music - which they continue to maintain is presenting more concerns than the same-size gatherings for any other purpose than live music.

We therefore propose that the following low-risk activities would benefit from deregulation between 07:00 and 23:00 and for audiences up to 500:

a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting events
a performance of dance.

They are continuing the position that all live music presents special risks that the other gatherings, listed above do not present, that planning, environmental, health & safety and other existing legislation is inadequte to deal with and which only the requirement of the ADDITIONAL Entertainment Licensing permission contained in the Licensing Act 2003 is able to address.

The supporting evidence as to why live music and musicians present such serious problems is not very convincing and it never has been.

Indoor music events – recorded and live
Events using both live and recorded music help to generate a healthy, world-class music industry. Councils want to help music events to continue to prosper to ensure that music can be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

However, it is also the role of councils to balance this with the views of residents living nearby whose quality of life will be impacted by excessive noise and nuisance. Councils also have a duty to protect the welfare of staff and attendees at the music events.

The clear message from councils is that events playing live or recorded music inevitably generate more noise and attract more people. This means the risk to attendees is higher and inevitably the nuisance for local residents is greater. It is vital that councils can still protect both of these groups by working in partnership with live and recorded music venues to minimise risks. The current licensing process facilitates this relationship and provides clear powers for a council to respond to issues that do arise.

Before councils consider supporting any form of deregulation of live or recorded music we must first understand more about how the proposed deregulation of entertainment events will impact on premises' licenses for the sale of alcohol. We consider this in more detail from paragraph 34 onwards. This will be crucial in determining whether councils feel they have sufficient powers to support the deregulation of live or recorded music.

Before the LGA lobby wander off the subject into alcohol related concerns as if these were connected

and they consider continuing the case that all live music presents special risks that the other gatherings, listed above do not present, that planning, environmental, health & safety and other existing legislation is inadequte to deal with and which only the requirement of the ADDITIONAL Entertainment Licensing permission contained in the Licensing Act 2003 is able to address - perhaps they MUST first provide some convincing evidence?

If current alcohol licensing and anti-noise legislation is inadequte or the local enforcement of these areas is insufficiently staffed - then it these which need to be addressed and the long suffering scapegoat that is live music and musicians can be finally free of the prejudice that continued to prevent and limit it.

The staff currently wasting our time and money in Entertainment Licensing can be deployed in areas where their best efforts may ensure that we all can get a good night's sleep.