The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142992   Message #3300345
Posted By: maeve
01-Feb-12 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: 2015 Obit: What Became of Tia Blake?
Subject: RE: What Became of Tia Blake?
The back cover starts something like this very rough translation (apologies to those who speak French!):

"...If one day you met Tia--at Benito's Paris house, from a street in Columbus, Georgia,of all places, where she was born in 1952 -- if you are at all normal you have fallen in love at first sight..."

It's hard to read the image I found, even after manipulation with Picasa software. However, lower down on the cover, the following people are listed:

Artistic Direction- Benito Marline
Sound Engineer-- Daniel Valiancian (?)
Cover(?) photo-- Gigi Carlassare
??-- Jean-Paul Smots (?)