The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27078   Message #330205
Posted By: wysiwyg
30-Oct-00 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: Help: MUDCAT Mac USERS GROUP?
Subject: RE: Help: MUDCAT Mac USERS GROUP?
Amos, HearMe sez now that it needs Pentium to run on, and won't run on a 486. Isn't the emulator a 486 emulator? I'se confoozed. What about all the people who say their Mac won't run HearMe? Is this a new approach?

Does that mean you can run HearMe now too? Hold the phone!! Amos can do HearMe????????????????? Huh!! Holding out or what???

I'se so confoozed!

But I still want my Mac!

Oh and Amos. It's OK. Take it easy. No need to get your panties in a wad (do men DO that???). It's a user group thread, not a user rant! (Just kidding! Every cat thread is a rant at some point!) How about, "Forgive them for they know not what they criticize." ??? Remember, it just needs a good marketing plan. You know once I am up and running I just may have a few ideas on that... hmm, maybe the positive approach would work... naw, way too simple, could never work... that love thing, can't last long.... wal but it's been workin' pretty good for me in some other areas... I do need a new job... hmmm... is that a big enough challenge for me... then I could trade up to the dual processor rig myself... those sound sticks, yeah!!!! Heal what ails... hafta sleep on it. Yuh. Leave it to me. Stay cool, man.
