The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63712 Message #3302108
Posted By: ollaimh
04-Feb-12 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs about the Irish Potato Famine
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: songs about the Irish Potato Famine
i wonder why any one but a racist woud be splitting hairs over the famine?
it was genocide by the internationally accepted definition. the conditions of the famine and depopulation were created by concerted and long term british governemt policy and when the results of those policies became deathly clear they did nothing, if you read the news papers of london they are full of letters and editorials aboput how this happy coincidence was clearing the land for more efficient ecomonic use. meaning use by the conquerors corporations. the british elite at that time was committed to the heartless and merciless polcy of laissez faire capitalism.hence they were happy to force starvation and immigration. this pjilosophy is the same murderous philosphy now called neo conservatism. greed and corporate valkues over any human needs.
they led a campaign to ptivatize water in south america and south africa resilting in a massive increase in water born disease especially for children.(its easier to deliver water for profit than remove waste, so the corporations stopped doing the sewar upkeep the old system used to do).
finallyn i ask why split these hairs? i see no reason other than racism and support for imperialism in sheeps clothing