The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101589   Message #3302686
Posted By: michaelr
05-Feb-12 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: The Greatest Folk Love Song Ever? (songs)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE BALLAD OF MARY MAGDALENE (R Shindell)
I just heard this on the radio and think it should be here.


1. My name is Mary Magdalene; I come from Palestine.
Please excuse these rags I'm in, but I've fallen on hard times;
But long ago I had my work when I was in my prime,
But I gave it up, and all for love; It was his career or mine.

CHORUS: Jesus loved me; this I know,
But why on earth did I ever let him go?
He was always faithful; he was always kind,
But he walked off with this heart of mine.

2. But I remember nights we spent whispering our creed:
Our rituals, our sacraments, the stars our canopy.
There beneath an olive tree we'd offer up our plea,
God's creation innocent, his arms surrounding me. CHORUS

3. A love like this will come but once; this I do believe,
And I'll not see his like again as I live and breathe,
And I'm sorry if I might offend, but I will never see
How the tenderness I shared with him became a heresy.

CHORUS: Jesus loved me; This I know,
But why on earth did he ever have to go?
He was always faithful; he was always kind,
But he walked off with this heart of mine.