The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143165   Message #3302978
Posted By: MikeL2
06-Feb-12 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six Nations (Rugby) 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Six Nations (Rugby) 2012
Hi Nigel

I agree with your comments but do not share your "slight" Welsh bias. lol

The Wales v Ireland game was a very good one to watch with the final result always in doubt - Wales just about earned their win. The Welsh backs always looked more penetrative and only some great cover play and tackling by the Irish kept them at bay.

Wales too had some magnificent cover defence with some really physical tackling.

Scotland v England was not as high a standard as the other game but was none-the-less exciting in it's own way. Scotland had the best of the game but could not convert that into tries. England for it's part defended valiantly and particularly in the second half showed some glimpses of attacking flair. The inexperienced England side will only improve IMHO but both these teams will struggle to win another game unless they do.

Both sides lack a class fly half to dictate play and create opportunities for their three-quarters.

As it was a bad week-end for weather I did not go to London to watch Man United at Chelsea so I watched all three games which I enjoyed.

It speaks volumes for the Welsh/Ireland game that I chose to watch the end of it in preference to switching to the Chelsea/Man U game!!! - Mind you I did have it being recorded live as I watched the rugby.

I look forward to the coming games and think that the Championship is going to a close thing between France/Wales and Ireland.

