The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143151   Message #3303099
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish
06-Feb-12 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's Plain Mr Fred Again
Subject: RE: BS: It's Plain Mr Fred Again
"I would suggest 'Sir' (Yes really) Rupert Murdoch who is a papal knight and was dubbed by the then Pope in Los Angesles some years ago, I believe. For what services I cannot imagine."

That's easy to work out. The Pope is the CEO of The Corporate Religious Bastards, so he'll have knighted Rupie for helping to keep La People dumbed down to a sufficient level to keep giving loadsa money to his Church whilst never asking why so many Roman Catholics live in abject poverty..and misery...and guilt..and deep depression from being metally, physically, or sexually abused by some of those within his Corporate Church.

And (Joe) I'm not having a go at the Good Guys 'n' Gals of the RC Church or others, just those who've done such terrible evil along the way.