The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140465   Message #3303553
Posted By: MGM·Lion
07-Feb-12 - 05:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslims again . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Muslims again . . .
Richard ~ You are being unfair. I have not said that the governments & groups I name are typical of anyone but themselves & the others who choose to associate with them; but how does that make their actions any the less reprehensible & unacceptable? Let me refer you to my answer to Eliza a bit earlier this morning ~ 12.25 a.m.

You arguments look dangerously close to me to the plea that nobody of any race or faith can be criticised because the cry of 'racism!' will apply. Try & find the thread I OPd last year some time about how 'Racism' could be used as a catch-all defence to any sort of criticism ~~ like that Italian footballer who accused an opponent of 'racism' for calling him Italian!

Honestly question the rationality of your own arguments, please, before attacking me for what I have neither said nor implied.
