The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3303742
Posted By: GUEST,999
07-Feb-12 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Adam and Eve, according to Genesis, had at least four sons and at least one daughter. If anyone needs the citations I can look 'em up.

That said, I think that Iona is a nice person. I was able to help her with some song lyrics--along with Jim I think--and she was very happy about that and said so in her thanks. I don't really understand Creationism that flies in the face of logic, but then we can prove a person can never walk from one side of a room to another side of the same room despite people doing it in fact.

The Bible cannot claim to be the ultimate authority when The Book was amended, emended, notated, heisted and selected from the various writings at the time (Nag Hammadi for instance). Along with prophets come their baggage.

I think that people who believe deeply in The Book's truth are entitled to believe that. However, I object to that being taught in publicly funded schools along side science as if they were of equal value. Many states and provinces have made provision for a 'type' of religion to be taught in schools, and as long as they are private schools, I have no problem with it. But there is no way on Earth I will have it taught to MY kids in a public school system.

I recall one of my kids asking me about Adam and Eve. I directed her to Genesis, King James version, although at that time I had seventeen different Bibles including one in plain English. She came back to me and said, "Yeah, right!" It was a good experience for her because today she tends to back-check data, and while the social sciences are as important as religious studies or science or art, things should make sense, and the Genesis explanation left that particular aspect of human history somewhat confused, at least to an eleven-year old. I'm sixty-four and it still confuses me.