The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143189   Message #3303872
Posted By: JohnInKansas
07-Feb-12 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Year Would the Righties Like to....
Subject: RE: BS: What Year Would the Righties Like to....
Since my analysis shows that the Righties, beginning about midway in Shrub's first term, have replicated almost identically the same plan used in Europe beginning in about 1938, it must be presumed that they're already a little behind schedule.

Knowing that the Vatican sent a representative to the annual birthday party every year for six years after that kickoff (purely as a time reference - I'd cite a different reference if anyone else had gone to the party), and the "party" sort of ended fairly soon after that, we do seem to lack any "resolution" of the sort that happened with that earlier experiment, although there do seem to be attempts to continue with the plan.
