Those are the anthologies, which I bought after I'd bought all of his CDs. There is a lot of music on the anthologies and I don't have to keep reloading.
Not all of his songs are on the compilation. He wrote a number of songs since then, plus he didn't include some that are favorites of ours but not of his.
These are the separate CDs:
Abandoned Cars and Broken Hearts Hope Edge of Despair Box of Pain Meadowlark Blinding Flash of Light Earth and the Sky Writing on Stone Cannery Lights
Several of his songs are on YouTube, including a video I don't care for. :) He can also be found on MySpace. Buddy himself was not computer-literate but he has friends who thought it couldn't be that he wasn't more visible.
As for how one can acquire them, one way is to PM me and I'll see to it.