The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143153   Message #3304156
Posted By: mg
08-Feb-12 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
Subject: RE: BS: Why are ladies wearing firemans' boots??
Here is what puzzles me to no end. Why, when it is a warm day, do women wrap these hideous lengths of rags around their necks these days? I can see if it is cold outside, but even then the volume they use to wrap is way more than seems necessary even for Siberia or Minnesota...they wear them with summer dresses..huge bulky goiter looking creations...on the Bachelor one lady wore this monster neck wrap in Panama...well, maybe it was really mosquito netting and she thought she might need it later on.

Another question..seems to be men more than can be 80 degrees out, they are in a t shirt and they wear a wool hat...maybe if you just had a health condition..but why otherwise? And why does anyone past the age of 2 or unless the weather really demands it wear those caps with the strings that hang