The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143189 Message #3304441
Posted By: Rapparee
08-Feb-12 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Year Would the Righties Like to....
Subject: RE: BS: What Year Would the Righties Like to....
Actually, if we WERE restored to some year in distant past (oh, say 1350) you and I would probably be peasants, grubbing out our lives to pay the Lord of the Manor our tax, the King our tax, the Church our tithe, and still have enough left to live on if we hadn't already died of the plague, been slain by some passing soldier, been raped by other passing soldiers, or croaked due any one of a number of other causes.
And so would both sides of the aisle. Most people were NOT kings, princes, queens, bishops, popes, or princesses. Most people were peasant, grubbing in the earth for enough to eat and hoping that the next gang of marauding mercenaries wouldn't plunder, burn or rape TOO much.