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Thread #142452   Message #3305137
Posted By: Bill D
09-Feb-12 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
gosh, pete-- it is hard to get YOU to make specific comments on scientific articles that support evolution.

I feel like the paleontologists do....that tiktaalek has characteristics that SEEM to be obviously a possible link...and one they predicted would exist if their theories were true. That makes it one more example of the KIND of evidence that helps show how evolution works. I doubt that anyone expects to find ALL the possible links, as very few specimens get caught in exactly the right circumstances to be preserved.... at least in fish-to-land animal.
In other types of fossils, they have a larger set if intermediate forms.

As to the Poland thing: They TOTALLY miss the point! No one claims that tetrapods, if those 'indentations' are really tracks, are direct decedents of tiktaalek. Evolution happens in many parallel lines, not in ...ummm.. 'single file'. Not only that, but Poland is not near Canada! If tetrapod tracks...or better...bones...had been found WITH tiktaalek, it might have been good evidence... of something.
It is interesting that even uses that argument, because they don't even recognize that 'beings' could BE that old! So how can they interpret evidence they don't even allow AS evidence?

The thing is: any claim, or assertion of evidence must be backed up by those who assert it. The scientists keeps adding new evidence as the dig deeper and develop new tools. What do Creationists use as evidence? They seem to be more interested in denying the claims of evolutionists on the grounds that the 'chain of evidence' is imperfect...and then just assert that Biblical theory is the only alternative! This is why several people here...including me... keep saying that creationists simply do not intend to EVER accept evolution--because they fear it would contradict a literal interpretation of the Christian Bible. THAT is what is meant by assuming the answer and denying any evidence that does not lead to preconceived opinions.

If you persist on watering down the idea of what IS good evidence, you can never be wrong....and that seems to be the goal.