The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3305223
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Feb-12 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
A bat and a bird both have wings in order to fly, but a bat is a mammal and a bird is a bird (go figure). They are not related even though they both need wings in order to fill their created purpose. In other words, wings do not point to a common ancestral link, but rather to an important design to their separate habitats.

This is blindfolded claptrap. Bats and birds didn't set off on their evolutionary travels in time "needing wings." Their forelimbs evolved into wing-like structures. In another "line" of evolution (KISS) forelimbs evolved into paddles, in another, into limbs adapted for terrestrial locomotion, and then there's us...etc. etc. But you've missed something, and what you've missed betrays your stubborn lack of scholarship. The forelimbs of vertebrates are all built on exactly the same bone pattern (google pentadactyl limb). The relative sizes and lengths of the bones vary according to the function the limbs are adapted for, but the numbers and basic arrangement of bones is present throughout, including in bats 'n' birds. It's a beautiful and well-documented example of diversity pointing clearly to common ancestry. Enjoy "Origin," and, while you're reading it, contemplate the searing honesty of the man who penned it. Unlike any creationist I've come across, he confronts and deals with - properly - all the objections to his theory of the kinds that ever come up in these threads.