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Thread #142452   Message #3305553
Posted By: Paul Burke
10-Feb-12 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
At least both groups think it happened.

Not so monsieur neuf cent quatre-vingt dix-neuf. The Bible, if it is the Divine Word of God, shows God to be surprisingly parochial and ignorant. No mention of America, Australia, India, China, Siberia, the Pacific, or anywhere outside the little restricted ambit of the Jewish world and the Eastern Mediterranean littoral of the Roman Empire. No mention of atoms, or Uranus, or heliocentric planetary systems, or electricity. Nothing about geology, not even to say God put the sediments there. No mention of sabre- toothed tigers or gorillas or tapeworms (despite the prohibition of pork) or bacteria. And you can't argue that you shouldn't expect it because iron age tribes didn't know such things- the God of the Bible is omniscient. So perhaps God didn't want his creation to know about such things, and he was being a bit dishonest, fibbing a bit. The slightly- ignorant God of Noah, who was so angry when he found out what folks were up to, that he drowned the lot, children and all, and all but two of the innocent lambs and bushbabies.

I can't see the hero- worshipping followers of a twerp like that accepting anything their party cadre hasn't told them to believe.