The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101589   Message #3305891
Posted By: GUEST,Ian Mather sans cookie
11-Feb-12 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: The Greatest Folk Love Song Ever? (songs)
Subject: RE: The Greatest Folk Love Song Ever?
I once knocked up a guitar tune, slow waltz time, lots of little flourishes, quite proud if it actually. I never worked up a score for it and to be fair, it was just a series of cadences.

I kept being asked what it was called when I played it and I noticed it on utube a while ago, (wasn't even aware I was being recorded, I might have had a shave ).

Anyway, my point is, after being fed up of people insisting it had a name, I gave it one. And it seemed to stick, and for that reason, be a candidate on this thread?

I love you so fucking much I can hardly shit.

I may have heard it as a joke in the dim and distant past, but use it anyway.