The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143213   Message #3306141
Posted By: The Sandman
11-Feb-12 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Dick Miles, Just as the tide
Subject: RE: Dick Miles, Just as the tide
Vic,you are being economical with the truth.
Firstly I was not trying to endear myself with you when I called you an arse licker.
Secondly, I apologised for that comment not just once but several times on this forum., if you do not wish to accept those apologies, what am I supposed to do?

It is clear that you have not accepted my apologies.
"that sounds like a pre judgement on your part, Vic, if that is the case.

Not a pre-judgement, I would have thought, as I am well aware of your work. Indeed, I have booked you in the past, though in fact I had to remind you of this fact when you stated that I had never booked you."
ok, Vic in a period of 35 years you booked me once at the Laughing fish at Isfield.
I have not noticed you in the audience of any of my gigs, including ones local to you, including Tenterden Festival, how can you be possibly be aware of what I am doing now if you do not listen to my audios, and do not see me live, it is blatantly obvious you have not accepted my apologies.
I still consider it a prejudgement not to listen to a video or audio of any artist[whoever they are] if you are an organiser.