The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143294   Message #3306974
Posted By: GUEST,999
12-Feb-12 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Santorum Hanukkah card
Subject: RE: BS: The Santorum Hanukkah card
"There are better things to criticize Rick Santorum for."

That's true, but the card is worthy of criticism, also.

The Festival of Lights is a specifically Jewish thing. It was stupidity on the part of whoever did the card. There are greetings that are non-denominational, and one of them should have been used instead. Plenty to be found in the Old Testament.

In the same way I object to community events where a prayer is offered and ends with "in Jesus' name, amen." At a specifically Christian event, no problem. But otherwise it's gauche to say the least.

Not an argument, just a statement of my thought on it. YMMV.