The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143211   Message #3307076
Posted By: Bill D
12-Feb-12 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Innit nice when things go smooth?
Subject: RE: BS: Innit nice when things go smooth?
"Innit is spelt idinit, innit?"

naawww...where I come from it's spelled "ain't*

and I should have added this earlier:

"I don't think we'll do too bad," said the student to the professor, referring to an upcoming football game. The professor chided him for his bad grammar, pointing out that he should have said badly. "Oh," said the student, "what difference does an 'ly' make?"

"Well" said the professor, "do you see that pretty girl over there?"

"Oh...sure", grins the boy.

"Well, do you think it makes a difference whether you look at her stern, or sternly?"