The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143282   Message #3307276
Posted By: JohnInKansas
13-Feb-12 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Facebk Parenting: for the troubled teen
Subject: RE: BS: Facebk Parenting: for the troubled teen
As I didn't find the original article I saw interesting enough to expect discussion, I didn't make any notes; and it's no longer in the MSNBC headlines where I first saw it. I believe it was in the "Red Tape Chronicles" and those often drop down out of sight fairly quickly.

A follow-on article does appear now:

'Executing' your teen's laptop might feel good, but it's a bad idea, experts say

By Bob Sullivan

Parents angry about Facebook use now have their poster child. He's a dad wielding a .45 pistol, who posted a YouTube video showing him firing bullets through his daughter's laptop computer as an act of discipline.

The shooter, who identifies himself as Tommy Jordan from North Carolina, has not yet responded to requests for comment, so it's not possible to verify the authenticity of the stunt, in which he allegedly "executed" the laptop after his daughter posted a profanity-laced note on her Facebook page.


The previous article, almost a week ago, had a little more about what efforts had been made to confirm the story if my recollection is right, although even there they hadn't found anything conclusive either way.

Since almost anyone who's ever had a laptop probably has an old laptop that would be "expendable" for the sake of a smart-ass joke, I'll still have to consider this a staged non-performance, until someone actually shows some evidence that the guy even has a daughter. It's just too much like other "comic" videos that are all over the place.

If he does actually have a daughter who's such a b**h, he'd best be preparing his defenses for when she figures out how much trouble she can cause him with even a vague report to child welfare. It's very unlikely that an actual behavior of the kind isn't part of a recurring pattern of stupidity, and kids - especially the "wild" ones - know how things work perhaps a little better than we'd like sometimes.
